9400 University Parkway #302, Pensacola FL.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I take a blood thinner and several prescription medications. Should I continue this before surgery?

A: With microincision cataract surgery and topical anesthesia the blood thinners usually do NOT need to be stopped. However, Dr. Ullman should be made aware of what medications you are taking and will discuss with you your particular situation. In the far majority of times, Dr. Ullman will want you to take your medications with a sip of water the morning of the surgery.

Q: May I eat before surgery?

A: NO. Dr. Ullman prefers if you do not eat or drink anything after midnight the day before your surgery.

Q: I was told that I need to take antibiotics before any dental work. Is this true for eye surgery also?

A: No. Unlike dental surgery, Dr. Ullman is working in an area that is clean and there is no bacteria liberated into the blood stream.

Q: Does every patient need an intraocular lens implant?

A: The vast majority of patients require an implant to focus the light and improve your vision. The cataract is actually the lens of your eye which is responsible for approximately 1/3 of your eye's focusing power. The Intraocular lens is required to replace this focusing power and allow you to see clearly with thin eye glasses.

Q: What is the implant made of?

A: The implants used by Dr. Ullman are made of either silicone or a plastic polymer (PMMA). Dr. Ullman will decide which implant is best suited for your particular situation.

Q: How long will my implant last?

A: The intraocular lens is placed permanently in your eye and will not "wear out".

Q: Was the laser used to remove my cataract?

A: No. Your cataract was removed by ultrasound energy, not a laser. In a process called phacoemulsification, sound waves break up the cataract and "vacuum" out the cataract via a microincision technique. Lasers are currently utilized after cataract surgery to perform a YAG Capsulotomy when the membrane where the implant rests gets cloudy. A femtosecond laser can be utilized to assist with part of your surgery but cannot currently completely remove your cataract.

Q: I see great at distance but why can't I read without glasses?

A: Your implant is fixed focused and the majority of the time the power is selected to maximize your distance vision. It is analogous to having a zoom camera with the focus fixed at distance. Most patients need reading glasses or bifocals for close vision.

Q: Is microincision cataract surgical considered experimental?

A: No. Millions of microincision cataract surgeries have been performed.

Q: Does microincision cataract surgery speed my recovery as compared to traditional cataract surgery?

A: Yes. Microincision cataract surgery, simply by the virtue of the smallest possible incision, is designed to speed the recovery of vision and reduce the restriction on your activities after the surgery.

Q: Does microincision cataract surgery cost more?

A: No. The cost to the patient for microincision cataract surgery is the same as the cost for conventional cataract surgery.

Q: Can I have microincision cataract surgery on one eye if I have previously had conventional cataract surgery on my other eye?

A: Yes.

Q: Can I have the Tecnis Multifocal Implant in one eye if I have previously had a standard implant already placed in my other eye?

A: Dr. Ullman does not recommend this. The two eyes must work together and it would be extremely difficult to adjust to having a standard monofocal implant in one eye and the multifocal implant in the other. It would be like have a pair of eyeglasses where one lens is a trifocal and the other lens is a bifocal.