9400 University Parkway #302, Pensacola FL.

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Insurance Information
Ullman Eye Consultants is a participating Medicare provider. We accept Medicare assignment, and as a courtesy, will file with your secondary insurance if applicable.

We are also participating providers with many major medical insurance plans, including selected plans from:

Railroad Medicare
Blue Cross / Blue Shield of Florida (many plans)
Blue Cross / Blue Shield of Alabama PPO
United Healthcare PPO
Aetna PPO
Tricare Standard
Humana Choice Care PPO
Cigna PPO

This is just a small sample of plans that we participate in. Please contact us at 850-208-1900 to see if we participate in your particular insurance plan or if you have any other insurance questions.

If you are in an HMO or PPO co-payment is expected at the time of service. It is the patient's responsibility to obtain the necessary referrals and / or authorizations. It is ultimately your responsibility to know what insurance coverage you have and what authorizations are necessary. Our office will assist you whenever possible.

9400 University Parkway #302,
Pensacola FL. 32514

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